Richard MacDonald American, b. 1946
Midnight, Half life, 2002
Bronze with black and white patina
36 x 22 x 20"
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'Black. It appears absent, empty, vacuous and yet, it is everything. White. It appears open, expansive, limitless and yet, it is nothing. Back, white…gray. Somewhere in between the depth and...
"Black. It appears absent, empty, vacuous and yet, it is everything. White. It appears open, expansive, limitless and yet, it is nothing. Back, white…gray. Somewhere in between the depth and the light are the shades of interpretation. In a unique departure from patina to perspective, international artist Richard MacDonald presents Blanc | Noir, an exploration into the varying tones of black and white."
“A silent medium within a silent medium.” These are the words contemporary master Richard MacDonald uses in describing his world renowned Mime Series. MacDonald’s trademark skill at investing his evocative bronze images with movement and life is never more evident than in his innovative and eloquent mimes. Sometimes enigmatic and most assuredly metaphoric, MacDonald’s “Sleep, Marcel Sleep” invites the audience to be its own storyteller. In this piece, dedicated to Marcel Marceau, MacDonald captures the mime’s face in the rapture of sleep. In contrast, the artist renders an impossible agility of the mime’s grasping toes and bent shoe as he strives to stay balanced on the ball below. Delicacy and strength combine with an effect that is magic – the goal of the mime is achieved.
“A silent medium within a silent medium.” These are the words contemporary master Richard MacDonald uses in describing his world renowned Mime Series. MacDonald’s trademark skill at investing his evocative bronze images with movement and life is never more evident than in his innovative and eloquent mimes. Sometimes enigmatic and most assuredly metaphoric, MacDonald’s “Sleep, Marcel Sleep” invites the audience to be its own storyteller. In this piece, dedicated to Marcel Marceau, MacDonald captures the mime’s face in the rapture of sleep. In contrast, the artist renders an impossible agility of the mime’s grasping toes and bent shoe as he strives to stay balanced on the ball below. Delicacy and strength combine with an effect that is magic – the goal of the mime is achieved.
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