Richard MacDonald’s “O” Works, based on his interaction with the artists and performers of Cirque du Soleil’s world-renowned show “O”, takes hold of the imagination and blurs the lines between...
Richard MacDonald’s “O” Works, based on his interaction with the artists and performers of Cirque du Soleil’s world-renowned show “O”, takes hold of the imagination and blurs the lines between fantasy and reality. All the more potent and expressive for the strong underpinning of anatomical accuracy, these figures take our minds out of the realm of the everyday and open a pathway to a magical world beyond. With his characteristic talent for capturing the moment most suggestive of movement, or laden with the most emotional drama, Richard MacDonald has launched into a series that shows the full depth of his artistic gift.
In 2014 and 2015, Richard MacDonald focused intently on the minerals and pigments of his patina process - specifically on the color red. Shortly thereafter, the artist revealed his discoveries in a new exhibition entitled “Richard MacDonald: Red.” The exhibition, which highlights MacDonald's creative immersion into the hue, the emotion, and narrative of color, represents a profound new direction in the artist's work.