In the early 1990's, Richard MacDonald created a series of works based on an African American model named Latim. Visceral in nature, the Latim Bust reveals the personality of the...
In the early 1990's, Richard MacDonald created a series of works based on an African American model named Latim. Visceral in nature, the Latim Bust reveals the personality of the subject and communicates subtle emotional cues adding greater dimension to the work. Since antiquity, the portrait bust has been used to celebrate individual physical beauty and strength, and in Latim Bust, MacDonald clearly follows suit.
In 2014 and 2015, Richard MacDonald focused intently on the minerals and pigments of his patina process - specifically on the color red. Shortly thereafter, the artist revealed his discoveries in a new exhibition entitled “Richard MacDonald: Red.” The exhibition, which highlights MacDonald's creative immersion into the hue, the emotion, and narrative of color, represents a profound new direction in the artist's work.