Salvador DaliFrontispiece (Twelve Tribes of Israel), 1973Color Etching25.5 x 19.75"
Salvador DaliIssachar (Twelve Tribes of Israel), 1973Color Etching25.5 x 19.75"
Salvador DaliAsher (Twelve Tribes of Israel), 1973Color Etching25.5 x 19.75"
Salvador DaliZebulon (Twelve Tribes of Israel), 1973Color Etching25.5 x 19.75"
Salvador DaliBenjamin (Twelve Tribes of Israel), 1973Color Etching25.5 x 19.75"
Salvador DaliGad (Twelve Tribes of Israel), 1973Color Etching25.5 x 19.75"
Salvador DaliJoseph (Twelve Tribes of Israel), 1973Color Etching25.5 x 19.75"
Salvador DaliJudah (Twelve Tribes of Israel), 1973Color Etching25.5 x 19.75"
Salvador DaliLevi (Twelve Tribes of Israel), 1973Color Etching25.5 x 19.75"
Salvador DaliNapthali (Twelve Tribes of Israel), 1973Color Etching25.5 x 19.75"
Salvador DaliReuben (Twelve Tribes of Israel), 1973Color Etching25.5 x 19.75"
Salvador DaliSimon (Twelve Tribes of Israel), 1973Color Etching25.5 x 19.75"